This blog will show some of the inspirations that get me through uni. I am studying Landscape Architecture and Architecture at QUT, Brisbane. The content will be from a range of websites, books, journals and my own thoughts. ~Jess~

Monday, May 31, 2010

Story Board

My story board for My Archi-commune
May or may not change before the due date - Wed 2nd June 2010
Comments Welcome :)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Multi-residential Facility

This is what i'm basing my latest Architecture Assignment ( Multi-residential Facility) on.
Cubism/ Inverted Cubism
Should be interesting...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wearable Architecture At the Moment

This is my panels at the moment... Changes may or may not occur tomorrow morning before I get it printed.
Comments welcome :)

Wearable Architecture Page 1

Hi Everyone,
This is my page 1 of 2 at the moment for my Wearable Architecture assignment.
Do you think it is too cluttered?
Feedback welcome.


Monday, April 19, 2010

Transformers more than meets the eye!

The top half of my wearable architecture with the lights on.
More to come!